Once again, my attention is here.
I am cleaning up a portion of my herbal act as it is necessary to maintaining an ease and flow in integrating the past with the present.
Traditions, a web café where Quilter's Comfort's Grandmother's products are offering mostly hand made,
small batch or OOAK products through a safe, secure online store! this shop will also have art cards and prints from HART Rock.
Grandma's Traditions
is all about herbal products, arts, prints and cards! The focus is
definitely on old time products that are small batch, artisan products and many
Onto the scene is Grandma's whole grain mustard and
certified organic herbal tonics, all produced with unfiltered vinegar. The
tonic vinegar tasted out over a six month period and the tasters refuse to stop
their “testing”! Grandma's Traditions connecting voice to a few grandmothers
and a few almost forgotten folk skills.
Flowing Colors Studio has developed into a comfortable place to work and be inspired. It has a gentle buz. It is a place to visit often. #600, 112 North
Walnut Street. Stop in and see what we have in our space, we have
silk and cotton scarves; botanical dye, pleated forms and shrugs a small selection of teas and
seasonings, but more available on line. Flowing
Colors hours are Thursday and Friday 2:00pm to
6:00 pm; open until 8:00pm
on first Fridays and Saturdays open 1:00 to 5:00
pm. I am there on Thursdays and by appointment.
Intro to Braid-in Rub Technique – Made with four strips of
fabric. This example is me repurposing a
worn cotton blanket that had belonged to my Grandmother. This project is also a great way to recycle
t-shirts. Take this class and learn a
folk skill that requires very little sewing and get something comfortable to
sit or stand upon!
Tools and Materials Fee - $6.00. Thursday - June 15th and June 29th
- 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm - Workshop Cost -
$9 (register for both - $16.00 + $2 - Materials Fee=$18.00) - small groups welcome. Pre-registration three days before class.
Part I Introduction to the
Articulated Clay Doll TBA

Here is a Shout Out to my
friend Yuko, some of you may remember her from the Café, Her movie
“StrawberriesWill Save the World” is here!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading and
Strawberry Doll
Blessings in herbal