Showing posts with label certified organic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label certified organic. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Quilter's Comfort to Participate in Eiteljorg Women In Art

 Hello Tea Lover,

What a beautiful sunny day here in Bloomington!  

Time is moving quickly,  soon I will be participating in the Eiteljorg Women in Art Market on March 19th from 10am to 5pm.  The  Eiteljorg Museum is located at 500 W. Washington St. in Indianapolis, IN.  I will have teas, including Chocolate Raspberry, DOWNSTREAM and Rose Mint, a little beer jelly; some of my art work - hand bound books, art prints, rice paste cards.  You can see more at HART Rock

 A shout out of appreciation and thank you to all who support this small business and again to local people for your purchases through the Quilter’s Comfort website.  To those new to the mailing list, there are no shipping charges.

Food News has been updated.  You will find what is listed below and much more!

Please follow us on our Blog at http://www.quilterscomfort.blogspot  and on
                                           Twitter at

Herbal Blessings

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Teas, Seasonings, Jellies, oh yes!  It has been a busy time, and I have been enjoying my work with Quilter's Comfort!  I am still breaking out in a very big smile each time I think of my jelly being consumed by Upland diners!  Wheat Ale Jelly, yes!  And what turned out to be the season favorite, Chocolate Raspberry Stout, especially Bear Kisses. Which most will have to wait for next year for more, as it turned out to be a seasonal brew.  Or maybe I will find myself experimenting with another dark beer.  Something really wonderful happens when you introduce fruit and chocolate into beer!  Wine too!

Roses for You

So much going on!  Last weekend I had Quilter's Comfort products with me at the BLOOM Mag Artist Showcase in the Bloomington, IN Convention Center.  I appreciate having a few teas and seasonings there with my visual arts. 

Yesterday, I dropped off a few small quilts to the Farmer House Museum for their annual quilt show opening first Friday in March!

Our new tea DOWNSTREAM is luscious, fragrant and a smooth herbal joy! 

On March 19th, Quilter's Comfort products will be with me at Women's Market in the Eiteljorg Museum!   I am excited to introduce my series of Seasoned Greetings from Indiana!  I am still deciding if it is okay to use this greeting for teas and spices, or whether it would be best to also make Herbal Greetings from Indiana!  

Abstracted Summer V

Roses for You is and Abstracted Summer V are two of the images that will grace the cover of  Quilter's Comfort's Herbal Art Seasoned Greeting cards!  Nice to look at, frame-able and delicious!

Herbal blessings!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hello Dear Reader,

Things are moving along with Quilter's Comfort and I expect to finally get some promotion and follow up information out this next week.  

Quilter's Comfort will be at the 3rd Annual MAKEVENTION this Saturday, August 29th, 10am to 4pm in the Bloomington Convention Center.  For more information about MAKEVENTION visit the website.

L.A.O.’s Certified Organic Seasonings and Dips will be available in shaker jars, and as samplers!
-         Seasoning Blend
-         Curry Seasoning
-         EVERYTHING Plus Popcorn
-         Garam Masala
-         Burger Bliss

This is Rose Hip Jelly made with certified organic rose hips, certified organic sugar, filtered water, pectin and citric acid.  CLICK here to read about rose hips

Rose Mint tea combined with Elderberries to create a delicious herbal jelly!

I will have a number of teas, samplers; L.A.O. Seasonings and Dip mixes, Rose Hip Jelly, Coffee Jam and Elderberry Rose Mint jelly!

I will also be demonstrating through out the day a flexagon book structure!

Back to labeling.

Enjoy the day.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


 Patricia's Wellness Arts Cafe business turns two years old!  The "Cafe" is home to Quilter's Comfort products!

To celebrate the "Cafe is hosting a 2nd Anniversary Exhibit - "PAPER FOLDED PAINTINGS and PARABOLAS by Patricia C. Coleman.  Reception is Friday, October 4th, 5:00pm to 8:00pm.

The evening will feature paper folding demonstrations, musical performance by Janiece Jaffe and Curtis Cantwell Jackson, the Herbal Table, sale on all herbal teas and jellies, gift basket drawing, discount on holiday gift certificates and more.  The evening will feature a variety of delicious herbal treats.  

On Friday, October 18th join us for Artist Talk and Paper Folding Demonstration with Patricia 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the Wellness Arts Gallery, located in Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café, 725 West Kirkwood Avenue.  The Exhibit runs October 4th through October 31st, 2013.  

All Quilter's Comfort herbal teas, jellies, body care,  wellness services and gift certificate purchases will be on sale for the entire month of October!  If you are an early shopper this is the perfect time to purchase gifts for tea and jelly lovers.  Favorites are our coffee jelly made using coffee from the Runcible Spoon, Bloomington, Indiana's oldest coffee roaster; wine jelly made with wine from Butler Winery and beer jelly a blend of one of Quilter's Comfort HipHop blends and locally crafted beer.  At the moment we have Ruby Amber HipHop on the shelf.

Happy Fall


Monday, August 15, 2011

Quilter's Comfort Update

Dear All, thank you for liking my teas! Quite a lot has happened since my last posting. Very soon you will receive an announcement for the Grand Opening of "Patricia's Wellness Arts Cafe and Quilter's Comfort Teas"! Last Tuesday, I signed a lease for a store front at 725 West Kirkwood Avenue!

Yes, I am excited and busy with first cleaning, now painting and figuring out how to display for the "first phase" as a retail area featuring my teas and others, herbs, arts and crafts, a "local Indiana" area with related products; organizing for consignment or contractual arrangement, preparing the class room space and the Vibrational Energy Wellness office.

The class room space and wellness office will be available for use by other practitioners. The second phase is to build a "tea bar" and remodel the bathroom, purchase tables and seating, then people will be able to come in for teas, coffee and pastries.

I am grateful for all the support and enthusiasm I am receiving from those I know and the community in general. Some of you asked what I may need, so this is the beginning of my list which will be updates as I go along as you know that this all went from a paper dream into reality, and reality has many needs I did not recognize.

I realize most of us don't have these things hanging around, yet if you come across these, I welcome the information about location - contact me at

-Wood book shelf (shelves) - 6 feet tall and four to five feet tall
-Bathroom sink and cabinet
-Concrete Paint - preferably black and white
-Mid sized refrigerator
-3' to 4' Glass display case
-drywall (to finish the repair of the small bathroom)
-CD player
-6' wide rugs to cover concrete office floor (22' Long).
- lighting - figuring out what is needed

2nd Phase Needs

-coffeemaker/hot water heater
-Pastry display
-4 Air Pots for dispensing hot teas and coffee
- a counter top and bottom
-Beverage Cooler for juices, teas, etc.
-tables and chairs
-locally made tea pots, cups and saucers - ask your potter friends to contact me

Thanks and I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Blessings of good things to each of you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"All Ears" Tasted!

"All Ears", blended to support deep listening, made its debut at the monthly meeting of the Chalice Circle Executive Committee of the Bloomington Unitarian Universalist Church this Thursday. Everyone present enjoyed the deliciously fragrant, bright blend containing chamomile, calendula and rose petals to name a few of the eleven herbs. The blend is certified organic, and some herbs are Fair-trade. All of the tasters gave it a thumbs up and look forward to enjoying more of "All Ears". Once the tea is shared at the Chalice Facilitators Appreciation event, I will introduce it out into the world. At that time, I will share information about the Vibrational and historical information that supported these herbs being selected for this blend. It will also be available in a blend free of caffeine.

Orange Earl has met with a few changes and is being tasted for approval. The blend is Orange Earl Grey Green and I hope passes the appreciation taste of those who are familiar with the traditional Earl Grey. Also, I think it would be simpler to call my tea Orange Earl Green. As for the "Orange Earl" part, family lore has it that we had a cousin, a twin by the name of Orange Earl, a male with a sister named Sadie Pearl! Perhaps some day there will be a Sadie Pear Blend. If you have suggestions, send them my way. Yes, there is orange in the mixture and I look forward to sharing this one, and other new blends with you.

Blessings of good company and delicious nutritious cups of tea!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Bluesy Green" featured at Players Pub on St. Patrick's Day!

Quilter's Comfort "Bluesy Green" tea at the Players Pub!

This St. Patrick's night "Wear the Green, Enjoy the Blues"at the Players Pub as they introduce their new special tea: Players Pub's Bluesy Green" a Certified Organic herbal tea blended specially for them in Bloomington by Quilters Comfort. Quilter's Comfort blends organic herbs and teas in small batches. Quilter's Comfort's Patricia C. Coleman, tea blender, has been crafting herbal brews since the mid 1970's.

So stop by the Pub wearing your green and enjoy a cup of Bluesy Green tea on the house and of course there will also be some really good Blues music to enjoy.

For more information about the Pub, check out the Players Pub's calendar -

For more information about Quilter's Comfort visit