Showing posts with label #blackquilter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #blackquilter. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

63 SUFFRAGIST OF COLOR Quilt in the Grunwald Gallery

Empowering the Women’s Vote and 63 Suffragists of Color

Tuesday, February 09, 2021, 12:00 PM – Friday, March 12, 2021, 4:00 PM






I hope that you are doing well and continue so.  It has taken a while to get back here.  So, begin again.

Wow!  If ever there was a time to work together as a nation, it is now! 

There will never be getting back to usual due to Chronavirus and the National insurrection!

Wow!  Past events caused me to shudder in sadness.  That such a mob insurrection could be allowed to occur by one who was supposed to cherish and protect our government.   

That some called "legislators for the people" continue misuse of power with actions to disenfranchasize citizen voting rights. 

Even as a few damaged threads and hearts unravelled in such a sad way; we the people still shout a great yes toward seeking a just and working democracy; in seeing ourselves as something kinder, more loving, inclusive with a willingness to work together as beings upon this planet. 

The work of coming together will try us in deep ways.  With individual willingness to open and grow then with our collective strength, commitment, love, justice, respect and kindness we can direct our own threads toward hope and loving possibility.  With our working together we can heal from a disparate past. Though deeply hurt and recently further frayed, our rope of many fibers holds strong.  May we choose to work from a place of love; choose to work for a sustainable, regenerative beloved community while we have the opportunity.

I hope that all will be creatively awesome in your own way; embrace love, kindness, generosity, compassion, equality and justice.  Be willing to explore the woven, stitched, colored, detailed, fermented, kneaded, penned, printed, carved or pleated on this  journey of recovery before us. And may we be moved by a most loving spirit, and live our awesome selves.



#quilterscomfort, #belovedcommunity, #quilting, #63suffragistsofcolor, #suffragists, #quilt, #surfacedesign, #grunwaldgallery, #patriciaccolemanart, #BGQ, #AQS, #surfacedesignorg, #blackartist, #spoonflowerfabric, #quilter, #artquilt