Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crowd Funding Campaign Launched!

We launched a Crowd Funding Campaign on the Indiegogo platform!  We are raising funds to establish the Comfort Morning Market and a Thursday Evening Farmers Market in front of Patricia's Wellness Arts Cafe!

Check out the campaign -

Here are some ways you can help us to establish the Morning Market and the Farmers Market.
(1) Donate to our perks.  If you have a product or service you'd like to contribute to help us meet our goal, let us know.
(2)  Share on Facebook and Twitter.  We'd love it if you could share it a few times over the course of the campaign.
(3)  If you have a small wooden picnic table or outdoor wooden table in good condition with bench or 4 chairs, for outdoor seating.
(4) Volunteer for Thursday Evening Market.
(5) Contribute to our sit down tea bar fund.

Thanks for your time here!
