Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Still Landing

The temperature is really on a down hill slide today.  I can hear a slight roar coming up through the valley.  The stainless kettle is just ready to sing on the stove top and I feel like I am still floating down to earth. Still landing since the move from Kirkwood Avenue.

Partially I feel this way as I am adjusting from having regular association with so many different people and now, that type of interaction is really gone and I am spending more time with managing the virtual world where, I am considering offering regulars store hours available via facetime.

I am enjoying the new location and the way it is perfect for the fiber design work that I am doing at the moment. 

I will have an ad for Quilter's Comfort in forthcoming Well Being Journals.  I am very excited about that and that is a huge motivator in getting the website really functional.

So, back to work behind the scenes.

Hope you are enjoying delicious tea and seasonings.



Friday, June 20, 2014

Quilter's Comfort and the Wellness Arts Cafe on the MOVE!


Dear Readers,

Quilter's Comfort and the Wellness Arts Cafe are on the move!

Thank you for being part of the Wellness Arts Café Community on Kirkwood!  It has been both a pleasure and honor to meet with you and to share my creations and those of other local artist and craftspeople visiting 725 West Kirkwood Avenue. 

Our last day to be open at 725 West Kirkwood Avenue will be Saturday, July 26th, 2014.

The Café page at www.hartrock.net/cafe.htm will in time change to reflect new link connections.

Work is being done to streamline the Quilter’s Comfort website so when complete, it will make purchasing on line easier.  The web changes may not be evident until after the move. 

As you can imagine this is an exciting and extremely busy time, as are most endings and beginnings.  It is a time of many transitions unfolding within my life and the lives of around me.  Fortunately there is much JOY and BIRTHING WILD energy gathering, rising and moving through as all blessing work expands.

We will keep in touch so you will know what is birthing out of this move.

Again, thank you, your support and presence will always be a delicious part of my community memories.

Blessings of wellness to you and yours,


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Patricia's Wellness Arts Cafe & Quilter's Comfort Moving!

Patricia's Wellness Arts Cafe & Quilter's Comfort will be moving from its cozy home at 725 West Kirkwood Avenue at the end of July.  Though there are a few possibilities being explored as to where we will end up, we really do not know.  We do not yet know what the Wellness Arts Cafe will look like in the future.  I see it continuing in another form; don't know what that is.  It is exciting and scary, so many possibilities and an equal amount of unknowns.  

At the top of the to do list is get the website in shape to handle the increase in retail I want to enjoy.  Put a pot of water on; begin my list ( of what may be many) for how to transition into a functional virtual office., for how to bring as much  face to face energy to the web customers as I can.
