There have been many wonderful connections made and some challenges due to the age of some of my technology. Three months after a major crash, I am still recovering data and recreating dozens upon dozens of files. Yet, the self-serve tea tasting and jelly sampling continue and people continue to enjoy buying our teas and other items. Thank You, all of you who shop here, you are what keeps us in business!
People continue to ask, how did you come up with coffee jelly or the beer and wine jellies? It tell them it was one of those "ding" moments. While watching a movie, whose name I don't recall, one of the characters said something about jelly and that was enough to get me started thinking and now many locals and visitors from out of town are enjoying Coffee Jelly (made using certified organic and fairtrade coffee from the Runcible Spoon; Wine Jellies (we use wine from Butler Vineyard) and Beer Jellies using craft beer from Bloomington Brewing Company and other Indiana Craft brewers.
Earlier this month we had a visit from a lovely young woman interning with the Bloomington Area Arts District (BEAD. Read what she says about the Cafe.
Get the skinny on what's new and happening in BEAD.
Whether it's the hottest new show downtown, insider dining tips, or an up
and coming artist, read about it here!Nurture your Body and Soul at Patricia’s Wellness Arts Café!
Click to read article by Anna Fiore
If we haven't met yet, stop in and introduce your self and sample a little tea or jelly.
We are open Tuesday - Saturday 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM and First Fridays 1:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
May all your celebrations be filled with joy and good friends and family!